Transfluid participated in “NavigaMI 2015” in Milan from 8th to 10th of May 2015, where the SEATECH 30 foot HYBRID LIMOUSINE hybrid boat, made for cruising in inland waters, has been introduced together with SEATECHNOLOGIES marine dockyard. This model is the perfect mix of style and technology with an elegant shape of the deck and an extremely modern keel that reduces the wave movement of the boat.
The length is 9 mt and it’s supplied with an FPT Diesel engine power system, model S30, with 129 kW-3500 rpm and the HTM700 hybrid transmission with integrated gear box and 20 kW electric motor.
The Transfluid hybrid system is perfect for public utility craft such as taxis, passenger boats, ferry-boats, fishing boats, barges, tugboats and cargo craft and all vessels that need to cut down on fuel consumption, noise level and pollution emissions but is also ideal for off-shore craft that want to increase performance, reduce fuel consumption and cruise in sheltered waters. The system can be installed taking up very little room (in accordance with SAE standards) between the diesel engine and the transmission shaft and the electric motors are fitted parallel to the line of the drive shaft. The hybrid package provides maximum efficiency of the two drive systems installed on-board, low speeds while cruising on electric power and higher speeds while sailing on Diesel-engine power and it also cuts down on fuel consumption.