Transfluid North Europe has been the Key supplier of the Geesink Norba Electric and Hybrid Waste trucks since 2012.
Together we designed from scratch the First Li-ion Powered waste truck called V6 to reduce the weight and to improve the payload.
The proof of this success story & partnership is a we have supplied more than 200 Trucks already.
Transfluid is supplying all components from the motor till the charge connecting cord as one complete power and drive set and just on time to the production facility in Emmeloord.
Geesink Norba believes that by 2020 any fleet should be able to collect and manage more resources while being totally emission free.
As pioneers in waste they have been engineering and developing electrical and hybrid waste management solutions since 2003.
Transfluid North Europe is proud to assist them with the results and progress they have made.
Time to plug in!