Electric & Hybrid Marine Europe 2025

The world’s leading exhibition and conference for maritime electrification, decarbonization and GHG reduction solutions returns to Amsterdam Booth: #6060
Salone Nautico Venezia 2025

Torna dal 29 maggio al 2 giugno 2025 a Venezia, nello storico Arsenale, il Salone Nautico, una delle principali fiere internazionali del settore. vieni a vivere un’esperienza avvolgente e immersiva realizzata per chi ama il mare e la nautica.
Multihull Expo 2025

International Multihull Show: the annual event for enthusiasts and experts in sailing or motor catamarans and trimarans.

Transfluid & Bellmarine welcomes you to METSTRADE, the world’s largest and only truly international B2B exhibition for the leisure marine industryBooth: #02.421
Navigazione sostenibile a Parigi

Navigazione sostenibile a Parigi: La nuova barca elettrica della Compagnie des Bateaux à Roue A Parigi, sulle acque della Senna, la Compagnie des Bateaux à Roue ha presentato il suo ultimo gioiello: Héméra, un’imbarcazione moderna che unisce eleganza, innovazione e rispetto per l’ambiente. Questa imbarcazione rappresenta una novità assoluta, essendo interamente elettrica e dotata di […]
Transfluid e Bellmarine celebrano il 1000° motore elettrico consegnato: un traguardo importante per la mobilità sostenibile

Transfluid e Bellmarine sono lieti di annunciare la consegna del 1000° motore elettrico, destinato al nostro cliente E-ship nei Paesi Bassi. Questo importante traguardo rappresenta un passo fondamentale nel nostro impegno verso la decarbonizzazione del settore marittimo e la diffusione di soluzioni di mobilità sostenibile. Il motore scelto per E-ship è il TorqueMaster, uno dei […]

La propulsione elettrica è la chiave del sistema ibrido di un trimarano sostenibile Lo specialista della propulsione marina Transfluid sta fornendo i sistemi di propulsione elettrica all’avanguardia di Bellmarine per i trimarani Leen 56 e Leen 72. Queste imbarcazioni rappresentano un salto significativo verso una navigazione marittima più sostenibile, efficiente ed ecologica. Prodotte dada Leen […]
Transfluid открывает новый стратегический центр в Нидерландах

04 ноября 2024 г. Новый голландский центр предназначен для импорта и дистрибуции подвесных электромоторов ElcoИтальянская компания Transfluid SpA, специализирующаяся на трансмиссии и электрических движителях, открыла стратегический центр в Нидерландах для импорта и дистрибуции подвесных моторов Elco из США.Elco имеет более чем столетний опыт производства судовых электродвигателейБлагодаря этому новому альянсу Transfluid позиционирует себя как комплексное решение […]
Simplifying hybrid conversions

Transfluid makes it easier to convert a boat or vehicle to hybrid operation. The variety of different driveline designs used in industrial and marine markets has historically presented challenges in converting from diesel-only to diesel-electric power. Transfluid, which specializes in industrial transmission equipment, set out to change that by developing a solution intended to simplify […]
Sustainable hybrid drives

Using hybrid propulsion can reduce enviromental impact on and off the boat Hybrid systems are an innovative and sustainable solution for the propulsion of boats used by maritime high schools and oceanographic institutions. Transfluid’s technologies are particularly relevant in countries inclucling France, Norway, Spain ancl Denmark, where sustainability ancl marine ecosystem protection are paramount.This article […]
Transfluid Hybrid Systems: Innovation and Sustainability for sea High Schools and Oceanographic Universities

Transfluid hybrid systems represent an innovative and sustainable solution for the propulsion of boats used by maritime high schools and for oceanographic boats. These technologies are particularly relevant in countries such as France, Norway, Spain and Denmark, where the attention to sustainability and protection of the marine ecosystem is particularly felt. In this article we […]
10 years of Hybrid Propulsion Systems

Hybrid propulsion systems Transfluid, established in 1957, celebrates a significant milestone at the expo this year: the 10th anniversary of its first hybrid system installation on a vessel.The Transfluid range of products includes complete, adaptable solutions that are rigorously tested, certified and mass-produced. They offer an eco-friendly and efficient alternative to conventional methods of propulsion. […]
Notizie rilevanti nel mondo della nautica elettrica e ibrida: Riconoscimenti internazionali per Transfluid

Nel panorama sempre più avanzato della nautica sostenibile, emergono due notizie molto importanti che sottolineano il progresso delle tecnologie di propulsione elettrica e ibrida. Nel 2022 e nel 2024 sono stati assegnati due prestigiosi premi a progetti innovativi che hanno rivoluzionato il modo di intendere la navigazione. Premio Dubai per la migliore barca elettrica del […]
Responsible sea exploration

Hybridized drive solutions can play a key role in protecting marine environments Equipped with a Transfluid HM3350 150kW hybrid propulsion system and powered by a powerful Baudouin 6M26.3 diesel engine, a new hybrid oceanographic vessel can sail at a maximum speed of 15kts and a cruising speed of 12kts. This combination of technologies enables the […]
Hybrid catamaran

A new passenger service on the Croatian coast uses the latest in hybrid propulsion Technological innovation has reached the Croatian coast with the introduction ofthe first hybrid catamaran built in a Croatian shipyard, marking a milestone in the country’s sustainable mobility. Commissioned by the Public Reserve Authority of Lokrum in Dubrovnik, the cutting-edge catamaran, which […]

Transfluid & Bellmarine welcomes you to METSTRADE, the world’s largest and only truly international B2B exhibition for the leisure marine industry
Grand Pavois La Rochelle 2024

Transfluid & Bellmarine welcomes you at Grand Pavois 2024 – La Rochelle. Come to visit us and discover our marine products! Buy Ticket
Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo 2024

Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo 18/06/2024-20/06/2024
Salone Nautico di Venezia

Salone Nautico di Venezia: 29/05/2024-02/06/2024
Transfluid Distributors Meeting 2024

Transfluid Distributor Meeting 2024: A Week of Updates and Global Collaboration The Transfluid Distributor Meeting 2024 has just concluded, an event that brought together distributors of electric and hybrid products from all over the world. The latter took part in intense days of training, updates and collaboration sessions, which provided a unique opportunity for exchanging […]
10 years since our first Hybrid propulsion

10 years ago, Transfluid installed the first hybrid on the first vessel, ten years later it boasts a wide range of applications around the world. Transfluid, established in 1957, a pioneering reality in hybrid innovation, marks a significant milestone this year: the 10th anniversary of its first Hybrid System installation on a vessel. This anniversary means a decade of achievements and excellent results in sustainable maritime propulsion. The Transfluid range […]
First hybrid catamaran built in Croatia

The first hybrid catamaran built in a Croatian shipyard, commissioned by the Lokrum Public Reserve Authority in Dubrovnik, is revolutionizing passenger transport between Trsteno and Lokrum, paving the way for a more sustainable maritime future. The 15-meter aluminum catamaran is designed to carry up to 50 passengers, including two spaces for individuals with disabilities. With […]
giro d’italia a vela con motore elettrico di Bellmarine

“Tornavento” naviga con DriveMaster 15W
Il primo peschereccio a basse emissioni in Alaska

Piccolo traino commerciale per salmoni alimentato dal sistema di propulsione ibrida di Transfluid READ MORE QUI
Il sistema ibrido HM3350 di Transfluid alimenta il Western Flyer

Adeguamento della motorizzazione per la barca di John Steinbeck nel Golfo di California con il sistema a propulsione ibrida di Transfluid LEGGI QUI
propulsori Ibridi per tutte le imbarcazioni

trasmissioni ibride per un’ampia varietà di installazioni marine
Грузовое судно с нулевым уровнем выбросов

Электрическая двигательная установка, снабжающая энергией новое судно на французских реках

Полный электрический пакет Il Battelliere apr.2023
Sistema Plug&play di TRANSFLUID-Bellmarine

Transfluid-Bellmarine specializzate in elettrificazione del settore marino Nautech feb.2023
La barca da lavoro più ecologica al mondo

“CARGO 31” con a bordo installato un sistema di propulsione elettrico TRANSFLUID, vince il premio come barca più ecologica al mondo. Un ringraziamento al Comandante Pietro Tosi per aver creduto in Transfluid.
BELLMARINE dona un motore elettrico al tema dell’ACCESSIBILITÀ

Giro d’Italia – Navigare oltre i limiti Con sistema di propulsione elettrico Bellmarine Si è conclusa l’iniziativa de I Timonieri sbandati de “Il giro dei porti e delle marine della Toscana” ma ne è iniziata subito un’altra: “Giro d’Italia – Navigare Oltre i Limiti”. Il 2 Giugno, durante il Salone Nautico di Venezia, Marco Rossato […]

WINDELO choose TRANSFLUID for their electric catamarans Windelo is an innovative French shipyard that built his first electric catamaran. Windelo Catamarans, based in Canet-en-Roussillon, Occitanie, builds ecological, efficient, innovative and comfortable catamarans. After several years of research into ecological materials with the Mines d’Alès, they have built a yacht that is respectful of people and the […]

Transfluid has powered the Western Union boat with his HM3350, an hybrid module mounted onto a 425HP Diesel engine. Transfluid provided all components to make the complete hybrid supply. Check the full article, click here

On the occasion of the release of the new Bellmarine catalog, Transfluid wanted to share all the technical innovations in force since 2023 with the dealers and distributors of the Benelux. Gathering in its distribution network the major professionals present in the area, these meeting days are an important moment of exchange of technical and […]
Transfluid и Genevos получили награду «Пропульсия года» на выставке Electic & Hybrid Marine Expo

Genevos и Transfluid получили награду «Электрическая и гибридная силовая установка года» за свою пропульсивную установку с нулевым уровнем выбросов.
YouTube: Гибридные и электрические трансмиссии для судов, промышленных и железнодорожных транспортных средств.

Новое корпоративное видео, представляющее гибридные и электрические системы Transfluid для морского и промышленного сектора, было опубликовано на YouTube. Все гибридные и электрические системы Transfluid могут применяться в промышленных и железнодорожных транспортных средствах, специальных приложениях, таких как аэропорты или железнодорожные туннели, пассажирские перевозки и любые другие специальные транспортные средства, а также в морских приложениях, где гибридные […]

Фукуок, Вьетнам – Bellmarine поставляет электрическую пропульсию для парка 6-местных экскурсионных катеров, недавно построенных для нового проекта Vinpearl под названием Phu Quoc United Center, крупнейшего тематического парка Вьетнама площадью около 1000 гектаров, который открылся 21 апреля 2021 года. 15 восьмиметровых деревянных гондол, оснащенных водоохлаждаемой электрической силовой установкой Bellmarine DriveMaster 7W, построенной на верфи COHACO в […]

Transfluid presents its new model of EM375 electric permanent magnet motor with 260kW (350hp) – 2500 rpm, water cooled, in the second edition of the Venice Boat Show 2021. It’s suitable for work boats and passenger transport. Some of the applications of Transfluid’s hybrid and electric systems are exhibited at the Salone as: Ferretti’s hybrid […]